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Specialist Snagging

What Does a Professional Snagger Do?

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Imagine investing a significant amount of money into your dream home, only to discover defects and issues after moving in.

This is where a professional snagger comes in, ensuring a smooth handover of your new property by inspecting and identifying any potential issues.

In this blog post, we will explore the role of a professional snagger, the snagging survey process, and tips for choosing the right professional to safeguard your investment. So, what does a professional snagger do? Let’s dive in and find out.

The Role of a Professional Snagger

A professional snagger plays a vital role in the house-building industry by inspecting newly built or refurbished properties, identifying any legitimate defects, and guaranteeing adherence to building regulations.

This expertise and experience make their services invaluable for new build house buyers who want to ensure that their hard-earned money is invested in a property that meets industry standards.

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Snagging services provide peace of mind to buyers, as they can be sure that their property is safe and compliant with all relevant regulations.

Furthermore, snagging services can help reduce the risk of costly repairs and legal disputes in the future.

Inspecting New Build Properties

Before you sign on the dotted line and take ownership of your brand new house, a professional snagger carries out a snagging survey, which is a visual inspection of the property to ensure that the works completed adhere to the standards set by the builder.

This is crucial because it gives the homeowner the opportunity to negotiate with the developer to address any issues before signing the contract.

The snagging survey process involves an initial evaluation, a thorough inspection, and a comprehensive report, equipping new build house buyers with the information they need to make an informed decision about their new home.

By conducting a customer satisfaction survey, we ensure that the snagging survey meets the expectations of new build home and house buyers.

Identifying Defects

It is of utmost importance to recognise defects in a new build property to ensure a seamless handover and prevent potential issues down the line.

A professional snagging report company can help new build house buyers see beyond the sales pitch by identifying legitimate defects in the property and providing a comprehensive report to be used in negotiations with the developer.

This allows homeowners to address any minor issues before they escalate into major problems that could significantly impact the quality and value of their new home.

Ensuring Compliance with Building Regulations

Professional snaggers not only identify defects but also ensure that new build properties comply with current building regulations and industry standards.

This is critical because non-compliance with regulations can lead to costly repairs, legal issues, and even pose safety hazards for the homeowner.

By engaging a professional snagger, you can have peace of mind knowing that your new build property meets the necessary requirements and is safe for occupancy.

The Snagging Survey Process

The snagging survey process is a crucial step in ensuring that your new build property is free from defects and complies with building regulations.

This process involves an initial assessment, an in-depth inspection, and legal completion by providing a detailed report to the homeowner.

By engaging a professional snagger, you can ensure that any issues are identified and addressed promptly, helping you avoid costly repairs and disputes with developers down the line.

Initial Assessment

During the initial assessment, your professional inspector will conduct a comprehensive inspection of your new build property, both inside and outside, to detect any imperfections or problems.

This is a crucial step, as it allows the snagger to identify any obvious issues that may be present in the property, such as loose or missing tiles, cracks in the roof space walls, or faulty wiring.

By identifying these issues early on, you can address them before they escalate into more significant problems that could affect the quality and value of your new home.

In-Depth Inspection

After the initial assessment, your professional snagger will carry out an in-depth inspection of your new build property to identify any hidden defects or issues.

This includes examining the building materials for any defects, assessing any other structural elements, that may affect the quality of the property, and verifying compliance with building regulations.

By conducting a thorough inspection, your professional snagger can ensure that any potential problems are identified and addressed promptly, helping you avoid costly repairs and disputes with developers down the line.

Providing a Detailed Report

Once the inspection is complete, your professional snagger will provide you with a detailed report outlining the identified issues and recommended actions.

This report will include photographs of the defects and their location, as well as the trade assigned to rectify the defect.

In addition to providing you with a clear understanding of the issues present in your new build property, this report can also be used as evidence in any disputes with developers, ensuring that any unresolved issues are addressed promptly and effectively.

Why Hire a Professional Snagging Company?

Hiring a professional snagging company offers numerous advantages for new build house buyers, including expertise and experience, time and stress savings, and improved communication with developers.

By engaging a professional snagger, you can rest assured that your new build property is thoroughly inspected, and any issues are identified and addressed before they become costly problems.

Expertise and Experience

A professional snagging company has the necessary expertise and experience to identify and address issues in new build properties.

These professionals are well-versed in construction and building inspections, as well as an understanding of building regulations and standards.

By hiring a professional snagger, you can ensure that your new build property is thoroughly inspected and any issues are identified and addressed before they become costly problems.

Time and Stress Savings

One of the primary benefits of hiring a professional snagging company is the time and stress savings they offer. By identifying defects before you move in, you can avoid disputes with the developer and potentially save money on costly repairs down the line.

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Additionally, a professional snagger can provide peace of mind that your newly built house has been constructed to industry standards, allowing you to focus on enjoying your new property without worrying about potential issues.

Improved Communication with Developers

Professionals can also improve communication with developers, ensuring that identified issues are addressed promptly.

By producing detailed and succinct reports that indicate the issues and the steps required to resolve them, a professional snagger can facilitate effective communication between homeowners and developers.

This can help prevent disputes and ensure that any unresolved issues are addressed in a timely manner.

Tips for Choosing the Right Professional Snagger

When selecting a professional snagger, it is essential to consider their experience and qualifications, reputation and reviews, and pricing and services included.

By taking these factors into account, you can ensure that you choose a professional snagger who can effectively identify legitimate defects in your new build property and provide you with the peace of mind you deserve.

The snagger should have a proven track record of success in the industry, and should be able to provide references from previous clients. They should also be able to provide a detailed breakdown of the services they offer, and the pricing.

Experience and Qualifications

When choosing a professional snagger, look for someone with relevant experience and qualifications to ensure a thorough inspection of your new build property.

Ideally, a professional snagger should possess experience as a site manager and have a sound comprehension of building regulations and standards.

By using a professional snagger with the necessary expertise and experience, you can trust that your new build property is in good hands with a reliable house builder.

Reputation and Reviews

Before hiring a professional snagging company, it is essential to consider their reputation and reviews. Look for reviews that highlight the snagger’s attention to detail, the quality of their work, and their customer service.

This can give you confidence in your decision and ensure that you receive a high-quality service.

Pricing and Services Included

When evaluating a professional snagger’s pricing, it is important to consider what services are included. Opt for a company that offers a fixed pricing structure based on the size and value of the property, and be wary of companies with significantly lower prices.

Remember, investing in a professional snagging service can save you money in the long run by identifying and addressing issues on a snagging list before they escalate into costly problems.

Dealing with Unresolved Issues

In the event of unresolved issues with your new build property, there are steps you can take to seek resolution. These may involve contacting the New Homes Quality Board or utilising the New build Home’ Ombudsman.

This will ensure that your concerns are addressed and any necessary actions are taken.

Contacting the New Homes Quality Board

If your developer is not addressing identified issues, consider contacting the developer’s customer care department. If the issues persist, you may reach out to the New Homes Quality Board for assistance.

The New Homes Quality Board is an independent entity tasked with monitoring the New Homes Quality Code and appointing a New Homes Ombudsman Service for customers to access in the event of a failure to meet high standards.

By contacting the New Homes Quality Board, you can ensure that your concerns are addressed and any necessary actions are taken.

Utilising the New Home Ombudsman

The New Home Ombudsman can help homeowners with disputes against developers, ensuring that unresolved issues are addressed.

The New Home Ombudsman is an independent entity that offers a free and unbiased dispute resolution service for customers who have unresolved issues with their new home.

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By utilising the New Home Ombudsman, you can ensure that your concerns are addressed and any necessary actions are taken.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a snagger job description?

A snagger’s job description involves performing a thorough inspection and reporting on any defects found in newly built homes. It is essential that most professional snaggers provide honest, detailed reports, abiding by current building standards and regulations. This ensures customer satisfaction and safety.

What qualifications do you need to be a snagging surveyor?

To become a snagging surveyor, you should have an accredited surveying qualification and experience in the construction industry. Additionally, having knowledge of building regulations is beneficial for snagging companies.

Good communication and IT skills are also essential, as well as understanding of health and safety protocols.

What is the main role of a professional snagger?

A professional snagger is responsible for providing assurance of high-quality construction by inspecting new build properties, identifying potential defects, and confirming compliance with building regulations and industry standards.

What is the snagging survey process?

The snagging professional surveyor process is an important step to ensure a home is fit for living, as it entails an assessment, inspection and report to the homeowner.

This process is designed to identify any defects or issues that may have been missed during the construction process, and to ensure that the home is safe and habitable.

The surveyor will inspect the property from top to bottom, looking for problems.

What are the benefits of hiring a professional snagging company?

For those looking for an efficient and cost-effective snagging solution, hiring a professional snagging company offers several advantages. Expertise, experience, time savings, reduced stress levels and improved communication with developers are just a few of the benefits this approach provides.

It is important to note that a professional snagging company will have the necessary skills and knowledge to identify and rectify any issues quickly and efficiently. They will also be able to provide detailed reports and photographs.


In conclusion, hiring a professional snagger is a wise investment to ensure the smooth handover of your new build property and prevent costly repairs down the line.

By considering factors such as experience and qualifications, reputation and reviews, and pricing and services included, you can choose the right professional snagger for your needs.

Remember, a professional snagger can help you identify and address issues before they become problems, allowing you to enjoy your new home with peace of mind.

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