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Cavity Wall Inspections

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Have you ever noticed cracks or dampness in your property? These issues may be the result of problems lurking within your cavity walls.

Ensuring the structural integrity and energy efficiency of your property is of utmost importance, and cavity wall inspections are crucial in detecting and addressing these hidden concerns.

In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of cavity wall inspections, the most surveys cavity wall inspection process, common cavity wall problems, and how to choose the right particular wall inspection company.

The Importance of Cavity Wall Inspections

Cavity walls, also known as internal walls, play a vital role in maintaining the structural stability of a property and providing effective cavity insulation.

However, issues such as deteriorated internal walls, wall ties and saturated insulation can compromise the integrity and energy efficiency of your home.

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A thorough cavity wall inspection can help identify these problems early on, allowing you to take appropriate measures to address them before they escalate into more significant issues.

Identifying Deteriorated Wall Ties

Cavity wall ties are an integral part of cavity wall construction, connecting the internal and external walls to provide structural stability. Over time, moisture can react with the steel ties, causing corrosion and deterioration.

This can lead to longitudinal cracks along the wall or bulging of the wall, potentially jeopardizing the structural integrity of the property and resulting in dampness.

In a thorough cavity wall inspection, metal detection and camera inspection techniques are employed to evaluate the condition of these wall ties.

Identifying deteriorated wall ties early on is essential in maintaining the structural stability of your property and preventing further damage.

Detecting Saturated Cavity Wall Insulation

Cavity wall insulation is a crucial aspect of maintaining a comfortable and energy-efficient home. However, if the cavity wall insulation obstructs the cavity or becomes saturated, it can lead to significant dampness issues within the structure. These problems can manifest as condensation only the saturated the wall insulation resulting in black spot mould or penetrating damp from cavity bridging.

To identify saturated cavity wall insulation, inspections involve checking the walls for signs of dampness, such as discoloration, and using a moisture meter to measure the moisture content of air gap between the two walls above.

Addressing only the saturated insulation issues is essential to prevent damp problems and improve the overall energy efficiency of your property.

Cavity Wall Inspection Process

The cavity wall inspection process, including a cavity wall insulation survey, is a comprehensive approach to assessing the condition of your property’s wall ties and insulation.

Through a combination of metal detection, camera inspection surveys cavity wall,, and drilling the outer wall skin, professionals can accurately identify any underlying issues and provide unbiased recommendations for remediation. As part then the joint part of this process, the team also surveys cavity wall conditions to ensure a thorough evaluation.

Understanding the various techniques used in the cavity wall inspection process is essential for homeowners, as it ensures that you are well-informed about the condition of your property and can make educated decisions regarding any necessary repairs.

Metal Detection and Camera Inspection

Metal detection and camera inspection techniques provide a non-invasive and accurate way to assess the condition of wall ties and insulation within your property.

Metal detection devices can identify the ties within the cavity, while camera inspection allows professionals to visually examine the ties and insulation without causing significant damage to the walls.

These inspection methods not only provide essential information about the structural stability of your property, but also help identify any issues related to damp, which can be caused by saturated insulation or corroded wall ties.

Drilling Outer Wall Skin

Drilling the external wall, specifically the outer wall skin, is a crucial step in the cavity wall inspection process.

It allows for thermal imaging through the insertion of an endoscope camera into the cavity, providing a more in-depth view of the internal wall, wall ties, and insulation. This technique ensures that any underlying issues can be identified and addressed appropriately.

The drilling process is carried out with care to avoid hitting any electrical wires or pipes within the internal wall skin filling the cavity. Once the inspection is complete, the small hole is sealed to maintain the integrity of the outer wall skin filling the cavity.

Common Cavity Wall Problems

Cavity wall issues can manifest in various ways, affecting the structural stability and energy efficiency of your property.

The most common problems include longitudinal cracks or bulging walls due to corroded wall ties, and internal penetrating damp caused by saturated or slumped insulation.

Being aware of these common issues can help homeowners identify the need for a cavity wall inspection and take appropriate action to address any underlying problems.

Longitudinal Cracks and Bulging Walls

Longitudinal cracks run parallel to the length of a surface, such as a wall or pavement, and are usually caused by tension stress or fatigue.

In the context of cavity walls, these cracks can develop due to corroded or damaged wall ties, compromising the structural integrity of the property.

Bulging walls, on the other hand, can occur when the wall ties fail to provide adequate support, causing the wall to bow outward. Both longitudinal cracks and bulging walls require immediate attention to prevent further damage and ensure the continued stability of your property.

Internal Penetrating Damp

Internal penetrating damp can occur when insulation within the area penetrate the cavity wall becomes saturated or slumped, allowing water to permeate the area penetrate the cavity wall constructed property, and cause internal temperature dampness.

This issue can sometimes be misidentified as deteriorated wall ties resulting in damp spotting, highlighting the importance of accurate cavity wall inspections.

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Addressing internal penetrating damp often involves cavity wall insulation remediation, such as removing saturated insulation or damp course installing a damp-proof course to prevent further moisture from entering the walls.

Addressing Cavity Wall Issues

When cavity wall issues are identified, it’s crucial to take appropriate action to address the problems and maintain the structural integrity and energy efficiency of your property.

Depending on the identified problem, this may involve wall tie replacement or cavity wall insulation remediation.

By addressing cavity wall issues promptly and effectively, you can protect your property’s value and ensure a comfortable, energy-efficient living environment for you and your family.

Wall Tie Replacement

Wall tie replacement is necessary when the existing ties have deteriorated or corroded, compromising the structural stability of your property.

The process involves removing the existing wall ties and substituting them with new ones, ensuring that the the external skin and internal wall skins and the external and internal skins walls of the cavity wall remain securely connected. To ensure the best results, it is important to hire reputable wall tie installation companies for the job.

Professional contractors perform wall tie replacement, taking care to ensure that the new ties are installed correctly and that the property’s structural integrity is maintained. This process can help prevent further damage and dampness issues, ensuring a safe and comfortable living environment.

Cavity Wall Insulation Remediation

Cavity wall insulation remediation may involve removing or repairing saturated insulation to prevent damp issues and improve the overall energy efficiency of the property.

This specialised task requires the use of professional equipment and expertise to ensure that the insulation is effectively replaced or repaired.

By addressing saturated insulation issues, homeowners can prevent damp problems and maintain a comfortable, energy-efficient living environment. This not only benefits the property’s structural integrity, but also reduces heating bills and contributes to a more eco-friendly home.

Choosing the Right Inspection Company

Selecting the right inspection company is crucial for obtaining unbiased recommendations and accurate assessments of cavity wall issues. Factors to consider when choosing an inspection company include certification, experience, reputation, knowledge, and cost.

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An experienced inspection company will be knowledgeable about local regulations and standards, ensuring that any necessary remediation work is carried out effectively and efficiently.

By choosing the right inspection company, you can have confidence in the accuracy of both the deterioration assessment and the quality of the remediation work, protecting your property’s value and structural integrity.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is cavity wall inspection?

Cavity wall inspection is a process for assessing the health and integrity of a building’s structure by examining the wall cavities. It involves drilling into the mortar between bricks and inserting a special camera to check for potential issues such as voids, snots on wall ties, etc.

Overall, it helps us diagnose any potential problems in the cavity walls before they become bigger issues.

Who can check cavity wall insulation?

To determine if your walls are insulated, you can ask a registered installer to do a borescope inspection. The inspector will drill a small hole in the external wall and use an External Wall Insulation System (EWIS) to check the exterior walls and internal walls and for cavity insulation.

This system consists of thermally insulated materials such as expanded polystyrene, mineral wool, or polyurethane foam, and is topped off with a reinforced cement finish and plaster. By following these steps, you can find out if your cavity walls have been insulated.

What is the legal requirement for cavity wall insulation?

Cavity wall insulation is required by Building Regulations in England and Wales for new dwellings, to ensure that they reach the minimum level of energy efficiency set out by the building regulations themselves. Generally, this means achieving a U-value of 0.30 or less (L1A 2013).

This is an important measure to ensure that new homes are energy efficient and cost-effective to run. It also helps to reduce the amount of energy used in the home, which is beneficial for the environment.

What is the purpose of cavity wall inspections?

The purpose of cavity wall inspections is to identify any issues with the existing construction, such as deteriorated wall ties or saturated insulation, which may lead to structural damage or damp issues.

These issues can be difficult to detect without a professional inspection, and can cause significant damage if left unchecked. Therefore, it is important to have a qualified professional inspect the walls of your property on a regular basis.

Cavity wall inspections are required.

How are cavity wall inspections conducted?

The cavity fill cavity insulation wall inspection process requires metal detection and camera inspection of the walls ties and insulation, as well as drilling of the outer wall skin to evaluate the condition of filling the the cavity insulation walls in greater detail.

This process is necessary to ensure that the walls are structurally sound and free from any potential damage or deterioration. It is important to note that this process should be carried out by a qualified professional in order to ensure the accuracy of the results.


In conclusion, cavity wall inspections are a vital aspect of maintaining the structural integrity and energy efficiency of your property.

By understanding the importance of cavity wall inspections, the inspection process, common cavity wall problems, and how to address these issues, you can ensure that your property remains in top condition.

Choosing the right inspection company is essential for accurate assessments and effective remediation work, safeguarding your property’s value and providing a comfortable, energy-efficient living environment for you and your family.

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